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The Lord Cares for Me

The Lord Cares for Me

Answer my prayers oh Lord for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, but your mercy is plentiful. Psalm 69:16 (NLT)


Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save.   Isaiah 46:4 (ESV)


As we transverse life, many of us may wonder from time to time if God really cares for us. We’ll ask the question, is He really going through life with us? We especially have this question come up when we’re dealing with challenges and difficulties in our lives. I think some people have the belief that once you become a Christian and put your faith in God, from that point on, you won’t have significant problems or burdens.  However, this is far from the truth. Everyone, whether they believe in God or not, will still have ups and downs as they go through life. The difference with our belief in God, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, is that we know the down periods in life, are just a moment in time. That God will be with us and will eventually bring us through to the other side.


Now, there will be times when some who go through trials will fall asleep in Jesus.  Even though their life has ended, they, as well as their loved ones, have faith that they will live again on the Earth made new, at the resurrection of the righteous.  So, no matter what course our life will take, we must know and believe that God will be with us every step of the way. 

As the verses above have stated, as well as many others, throughout the Bible, God truly cares for His children. The entire Bible is His manuscript to us on how to live our best life and, how much love and sacrifice He has done in order for us to one day be with Him in paradise. An example of God‘s love is like loving parents here on Earth but, even deeper.  God's love for His children cannot truly be comprehended with our limited human minds. 

So, when you ask the question, does God care for me? The answer is yes!  He does now and will always!



Angélique 💐




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